Sunday, September 4, 2016

How to put your name in your dancewear

Many dance schools require all students in the same level to wear the same uniform, so a lot of people own and wear (and, unfortunately, loose) the same items.  Most schools recommend that dancers write their names inside their dancewear.  This is the best way to keep track of your items when they get mixed up with other people's dancewear, but it is really difficult to write your name in some pieces.  How do you put your name in a black leotard?  What about on a reversible skirt?  In this post, I'll provide ideas for how you can permanently and stylishly put your name in your dancewear. 

1.       Write your name on the tag.  This is one of the most common and obvious techniques, but there are a few necessary conditions for this to work.  There must be a tag.  The tag must be a light color.  The tag must not be too silky (this causes all inks to bleed badly).  If the tag meets these conditions, use a fine point sharpie or fabric marker to write your name in bold letters on the back of the tag.  Your name should not wash out or bleed when you wash your dancewear, but it will fade over time.  Check the lettering and touch it up regularly to make sure your name is still legible.

2.       If there is no tag, the tag is too silky, or the tag is a dark color, you will have to use another option.  If the item is a leotard or bra, does it have a lining?  Is the lining a light color?  If so, write your name on the lining with a fabric marker.  Be very careful not to press too hard; the ink can bleed through the fabric and show on the outside of the garment. 

3.       If there is no lining or the lining is black, cut a small square (about 1" by 1")of light-colored soft fabric from an old t-shirt and write your name or initials on it with a fabric marker.  Carefully sew this square onto the inside of the garment.  Use thread the same color as the outside of the dancewear piece.  If your piece is reversible, write just your initials on the fabric square (you can use stylish lettering for a fun touch) and carefully sew it to the garment in a location where a logo would normally be (on the hip of a leotard, the back center of a bra, at the bottom of the leg of a pair of shorts, etc.).  Sewing on a nametag is more secure than using stick-on options.  If your garment later becomes a hand-me-down for someone else, use a seam ripper to remove your name tag.  It will come out easily with no reside or damage to the garment.

4.       For a wrap skirt with no tag, use a thin fabric marker to carefully write your initials inside the tie/band at the back of the skirt where it will always be against your body.  If the skirt is black, use the small square method from the previous item and sew it to the inside of the band as if it is a tag.  If you don't really need your name in your skirt, but want to make it slightly unique or different from other dancers' similar skirts, take one end of the tie and slide on a plastic bead (pony beads work best).  Tie a knot in the tie to keep the bead from slipping off.  This will make your skirt recognizable when it is next to several other dancers' similar skirts.  DO NOT use multiple beads, they are noisy and distracting.

5.       If you temporarily have a costume that will eventually be returned to a company or another 
person, tear a small  piece of masking tape or neoprene medical tape, write your name or initials on it, and stick it inside the item.  Be sure to do this with all pieces of the costume (top, skirt, hat, gloves, etc.).  This is also a good way to mark items (boot covers, etc.) as right and left.

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