Back-to-dance shopping, whether it's done online or in store, can be overwhelming. Stores are crowded, everything is on sale, and there are so many different options for each product. To help sort through the madness, here's a list of questions to consider before adding an item to your cart.
1. Do I need it?
Sometimes the thrill of a good sale can get in the way of logic. Sure, another leotard for under $20 is great. But do you already have a closet full of leotards? Do you really need another one? New jazz shoes make for a spiffy start to the season, but are last years' still a good fit and not too beat up? It's ok to admit that you want something, but don't need it. Pass on the things you don't need so you have more cash to spend on the things you do.
2. Is it allowed?
Accessories are awesome! Skirts and bun covers make dance outfits extra cute. But are these items allowed at your dance school? An over-helpful sales clerk can push you toward adding these things to your basket, but if you or your child won't be able to use them, you definitely don't need to buy them.
3. Does it work for my needs?
Everyone has a unique body and individual approach to dance. You might have wide feet or a curvy tummy or extra long legs. Some dancers need super soft pointe shoes while others need super hard. Just because an item looks good on or works well for someone else does not mean it will work for you. Try on all the clothing and shoes you can, see if they work for you, and purchase only the best fits. It's ok to come away empty handed or with products on order if the store doesn't have the perfect item in stock.
4. Is it good quality and good value?
Look at the quality of the product and compare it with the price. Nice leather shoes from an established dance brand are often a better choice than cheaper "pleather" ones because they last longer before wearing down. If you have time, it's not a bad idea to shop around and ensure you are getting the best price for the product. There is nothing wrong with leaving a store to purchase the same product elsewhere (just be kind about it).
5. Do I love it?
No matter the item, you should love it enough to use it or wear it. For some things, like class uniforms, you may not get a choice in cut or color. However, you have the final say on your size. Make sure you love everything you purchase for the upcoming season so you can start class with confidence in the look, fit, and feel of your dancewear.
We have purchased few dancewear from Tiger Friday. It's high-quality dancewear that fits properly. It was a hit with my kids! It is extremely simple to clean and maintain.