Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Ballet Freakonomics

Freakinomics took the world by storm several years ago with a groundbreaking book that took very different things and showed how they are similar and work together to solve problems (such as how is a child's car seat like a DVD player).  This post will examine some common ballet and dance dilemmas and explain unusual yet effective solutions.

Problem:  I feel wobbly en pointe.
Unique solution:  Pilates

The number one solution your teacher and friends will probably offer is a slew of strengthening exercises for feet and ankles.  While these will help, something else will give you a faster and even more beneficial fix:  Pilates.  A full Pilates workout strengthens the arms, legs, back, and core.  While strong ankles are necessary for pointe, they will not stop you from wobbling if everything else is weak.  A strong core is the best thing to keep you stable.  Try 20 minutes of Pilates daily for a month and you will see and feel a difference (and keep it up forever after that!)

Problem:  I have a sore muscle.
Unique solution:  Keep on moving.

It's easy to overwork muscles like calves in intense classes.  Most of us have been trained to RICE (rest, ice, compress, elevate) at any sign of pain, so an ice bath and relaxing evening may be your first thoughts.  Actually, in situations where your muscle is just tight and overworked, not sprained or torn, heat and continued activity are much more beneficial.  Make your bath warm, and engage in some walking and/or stretching before turning in.

Problem:  I need to lose weight.
Unique solution:  Don't count calories.

Once you've determined it's safe and healthy for you to lose a few pounds, you're probably thinking about cutting down on fat and calories.  Actually, the best way to get results is to leave those things be.  Focus on how you feel, eat to meet your needs (hunger, activity, etc.), and try to consume wholesome food.  Worrying about calories and fat can add stress, which makes it more difficult to lose weight.

Problem:  I want to cross train.
Unique solution:  YouTube

Your first thought is probably to purchase a gym membership.  While there's nothing wrong with working out on the treadmill, fitness classes are usually more fun for people already used to the structure of dance class.  There are thousands of fitness classes available for free on YouTube and through fitness apps.  With weird rehearsal schedules, it's much more convenient to go through a HIIT series or yoga flow in the living room or backyard than trek to the gym in rush hour.

Problem:  I want to look bold and stylish in class.
Unique solution:  Ignore the trends.

To be stylish, you should get a patterned wrap skirt like everyone else has so you can fit in, right?  Wrong!  Start a new trend with something unique, like a solid colored skirt or knit shorts.  Trendsetters are seen as unique and confident, while those who wear only clothes that are already popular are more likely to be followers.

1 comment:

  1. You sort of reminds me of that girl from the children's TV-show Lazy Town. You know who I am talking about. The one who is always dancing and prancing around, very energetic. And you are Icelandic too right? You should really do an impression of her once...


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