Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Tiny Tips: Don’t let Thanksgiving weigh you down

Nervous about all the yummy food at Thanksgiving making you feel bloated and sluggish?  Avoiding those feelings is actually quite simple.  Don’t overeat, and don’t forget to exercise.  You can taste each dish on the table without eating a huge portion of each one.  Put only a small serving of each side on your plate, and take larger portions of lean protein (white meat turkey) and veggies (green beans, salad).  For dessert, nix the crust on your pumpkin pie and eat just the filling to satisfy your sweet tooth, get good vitamin A and beta-carotene, and avoid a carb-coma. 

For the rest of the month, participate in the “Planksgiving” challenge.  Plank for a minimum of 1 minute 30 seconds per day, and aim to increase your time each day.  A few hours after your turkey day dinner, go for a walk, play some family football, or escape to your room and do a quick barre so you don’t feel like you took in too much without burning it off.

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